In The News

Dear Members & Friends:

On Saturday August 17th 2024 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., there is a Halton Multicultural Festival at the Oakville Town Hall (outdoor), 1225 Trafalgar Rd., Oakville (Free Admission)

Embrace diversity, learn from one another; come to enjoy cultural performances and foods from the Asian, Spanish, Chinese and other communities.

HRCCA had been involved in initiatives working with diverse communities. Some of the past events / activities organized are two discussion forums related to Asian Hates &/or Anti-Racism. So, we have developed more connections with various community groups. Many of our HRCCA volunteers would be there.

 HRCCA is fortunate to have our community partners supporting as well. Yuan Yin Group with their GuZheng players are performing around 1:30p.m. and the Oakville Oriental Art Club will be dancing in traditional costumes around 3:00p.m. We are very glad that we can support the visually impaired people (vip’s) from the JBVC (Joby Beyond Vision Community). They’d be at a booth close to the stage area. Come visit us between 10a.m. to 3 p.m. and get to know how they help the vip’s. We’d also like to sincerely thank Dr. Christine Yeung of the Oakville Eye Care for her donation to support JBVC.



2024 年 8 月 17 日星期六上午 10 點至晚上 7 點,奧克維爾市政廳(室外)舉辦荷頓多元文化節,地址:1225 Trafalgar Rd., Oakville(免費入場)


HRCCA 近年來參與了不同社區活動; 組織過一些論壇去討論仇視亞裔/。因此,我們與各個社區團體建立了更多的聯繫。8 月 17 日, 荷頓多元文化節當天, 我們會有很多青年志工和朋友來參與和幫忙。

HRCCA 很幸運能夠得到我們的社區夥伴的支持。下午1點30分左右,有元音琴社的古箏表演。下午 3:00 左右,有奧克維爾東方藝術俱樂部 (Oakville Oriental Art Club) 的傳統舞蹈。我們很高興能夠為 JBVC(Joby Beyond Vision Community)的視障人士(vip – visually impaired people)作出支持。他們會在靠近舞台區的一個攤位(上午 10 點至下午 3 點); 歡迎您來參觀和了解如何幫助他們。我們在這要衷心感謝 Oakville Eye Care 的眼睛驗光醫生(Dr. Christine Yeung) 為支持 JBVC 所捐的款項。

hrcca-touch-icon-72x72The Halton Region Chinese Canadian Association is a non-profit, non-political and non-denominational organization formed by a group of community minded volunteers from the Halton Region dedicated to promote cultural education, understanding and interaction between the Chinese and the society-at-large.

本 會 是 由 荷 頓 區 一 群 熱 心 公 益 的 志 願 人 士 所 組 成 的 一 個 非 牟 利 , 非 政 治 性 , 非 宗 教 性 團 體 , 以 積 極 推 廣 本 區 華 人 與 各 社 區 間 的 文 化 了 解 和 交 流 .

Contact Us

P.O. Box 60016
RPO Glen Abbey, Oakville, Ontario L6M 3H2
Tel (905) 847-8023 Fax (905) 842-5561
Email :

Sunday Linkup – Various Topics

Ongoing events & Applicable Supplemental info
of Link-up sessions will be posted.

Please click here to see photos of past Sunday Linkup sessions


The Halton Police Chief and their officers have been very supportive of HRCCA. Over the years, we have kept a close touch with the Halton Regional Police Service (HRPS). We have representatives participating in the HRPS Diversity Engagement Table, our volunteers also joined other activities organized by the HRPS. One of our youth leaders was also selected to sit on the HRPS Youth Advisory Council. Sgt. Ryan Smith (Equity, Diversity & Inclusion) of the HRPS has been very helpful and supportive, keeping close contacts with us, joining our HRCCA activities including Zoom meetings and relating relevant information.

To effectively disseminate information from the HRPS, we have added a weblink in our Community Partnership Page. Please feel free to visit the HRPS website for information related to New COVID Restrictions, relevant news and above all, opportunities in policing OR to know about policing in the Citizen Police Academy (CPA) program. Visit HRPS for more information. Alternatively, email to ask Louis Tsai of his experience since he had also completed the CPA program.


See our Page on Community Partners & Supporters, CLICK