About The HRCCA
- Promoting multi-culturalism, fostering understanding, interaction and harmony between the Chinese Community and society at large
- Promoting and preserving Chinese culture and heritage
- Promoting active citizenship and providing support to other local non-profit and charitable organizations and community projects
- Identifying and addressing relevant social, cultural, educational and recreational issues and needs
- Promoting networking among the Chinese community
- 提倡多元文化, 促進華人與其他社區間的和諧交往與了解
- 推廣和保存中華文化與傳統
- 提高公民意識及支持其他非牟利或慈善團體的社區活動
- 致力於各有關社會, 文化, 教育及文娛康樂事宜
- 加強華人社區的人際關係網
Board Of Directors
Liza Wu, President
Louis Tsai, Immediate Past President
Dr. Feihong Nan, Vice President
Becky Tang, Treasurer
Dr. Paul Wu, Director Scholarship Chair
Colin Liu, Director
Dr. Jennifer Kwan, Director
Jessie Chen, Honorary Director